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Taxlaws burnett


Cost $15.00
Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateAugust 16, 2017
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

While you were taking tax season head on and recovering from it, guess what happened? Over 500 court cases, 200 IRS IRB developments (including regs), 2,500 IRS rulings and other goodies came down. By now, the administration and blood hungry Congress are scheming proposed tax legislation for new sources of revenue. What did you miss? More than you might think. We’ve knocked it down for you. Give us an hour. We’ll get you caught up.

Learning Objectives

  • Extender Bill sorted out, clarified by Congress and interpreted by IRS

  • Recent important court cases, regulations, rulings and related developments affecting individuals, C & S corps, partnerships, businesses, estates/trusts & retirement plans

  • IRS’s latest demands on and tactics against taxpayers

  • Tax planning and return prep implications galore

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Lori, NC

"I took advantage of this because it was free, but very often I am disappointed in free webinars. This was an exception. It was very well done and helpful. I really like the audio only format because I can concentrate on the slides in front of me and the audio presentation and not be distracted by a video presentation. I highly recommend it."
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"Bradley was GREAT!! A lot of times, CPE can be pretty boring and mundane, but he did a great job holding my attention and I really learned a lot. I'll definitely be on the lookout for more webinars instructed by him. If you enjoy learning via case law, Bradley's definitely the instructor for you."
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"A reminder of just how convoluted, and near-impossible to follow, tax code that Congress has handed us. Hopefully I will be able to avoid some of the pitfalls highlighted in the presentation. Thanks for sharing your expertise, and thanks for offering these types of free CPE courses!"
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Della, FL

"Fantastic speaker - he added so much more than what was in his slides by giving real examples. I think his introduction to changes in partnership was one of the best when he said "Partnerships have a freight train coming down the tracks." This speaker deserves a 10."
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"This webinar provided much needed explanation of already passed legislation and that which hasn't. He also did so in a clear, professional but at times light-hearted manner. With tax law that is always appreciated by practitioners!"
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Esmeraldo, CA

"The presenter was very knowledgeable and the new cases which were briefly touched provided enough facts and results. That made me more aware on things I need to pay attention to that might affect our clients. Great presentation!"
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Mark, UT

"This is one of the best CPE courses I have participated in on CPA Academy. There have been other courses that have been very beneficial but I would definitely pay money to attend another course offered by this instructor."
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Dawn, IN

"I really liked the level of detail on the handouts. Not too much; not too little. And, that there were references to the cases, etc. After the program, I looked up a few things I wanted to understand better. Thank you."
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Bradley Burnett is a practicing Colorado attorney with 40 years of experience working specifically on tax issues. His practice specializes in tax planning and tax controversy resolution. Mr. Burnett has authored and delivered more than 3,800 presentations on U.S. tax law in the U.S. and international jurisdictions.


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About Our Presenter

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Mr. Burnett has delivered more than 3,000 presentations on U.S. tax law throughout all fifty U.S. states, Washington, D.C., the Bahamas, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Canada. He has authored texts of 35 CPE courses.